"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Source of Endurance & Encouragement in Fearful Times

A week like this (8/7-12/11) may make you wonder what the world is coming to. The horrible drop in the stock market caused many to become anxious and fearful. Various economic doomsday scenarios have been forecast for the United States as a result.

Then there were the riots in England that fostered a sense of instability even in many Americans. It is one thing to see riots and revolt in North Africa or the Middle East, but when it happens in a place like England you begin to wonder if it couldn’t also happen in your country.

Further, there was the saddening loss of those 30 soldiers in Afghanistan. This was the largest single loss of life there by our forces and for those who appreciate these life-risking soldiers it was a grievous blow. Additionally, various sources are informing us about the aggressive and continual advances of Islam on the world stage. Many are finding this to be new, alarming information.

Then there are friends and loved ones around us who are being given a bleak prognosis. Currently, in our church family we have multiple people with cancer; in some cases it is inoperable and terminal. Other church members are dealing with life-altering conditions. Since we love these people we do not want to part with them, we fell anguish over their physical suffering and we enter into the emotions they are experiencing with them.

All of these experiences can be overwhelming! Yet amidst all of this the Lord has directed me to a verse that has ministered to me. Romans 15:4 states:
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us,
so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

This verse reminds me that when life gets tough or I feel fearful that there remains a God-given resource that can produce endurance, courage, and hope within me. For that is what His Holy Scriptures can do within me. God made sure the Scriptures were written long ago so I, and other believers, could be taught. Everything in the Scriptures is in there to teach me. There is none wasted or without teaching value.

And what does it teach me? What is the purpose of its instruction? It is so that I would have hope. As I learn from the Scriptures they produce endurance within me for the hard and oppressive circumstances of life. They put courage within me when I might become fearful, anxious or weary. This God-imparted encouragement and endurance then fill me with hope as I look to the future. I don’t have to bolt the doors and crawl under my bed! Instead, I can drink in the truth of Scripture and have my faith and hope revitalized.

So, my friends, when you feel overwhelmed and fearful I urge you to spend some time in the Scriptures. Read, listen, study, meditate on, and memorize the precious words of God.For through them God can fill you with endurance and encouragement so your hope in Him remains fixed and sure no matter what is happening in the world around you.

Living in & living out His Scriptures!

Pastor Scott