"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Friday, October 15, 2010

Inspired to Pray?

At my private Christian college in Pennsylvania I was once assigned for reading the classic book Power through Prayer by E.M. Bounds. I found the little book a great challenge to my prayer life. Now as I have called our church to prayer I thought I would share some quotes from that book. Power through Prayer is full of strong words particularly directed to preachers, but I have listed quotes below that should challenge every believer in Jesus. Yes, I know some do think Bounds is a little too focused on human effort in his writings, but personally any lack in prayer for me has always been on that end, I assure you.

I hope these quotes will inspire you to pray more fervently and frequently for the needs in your life, our church, our community and our world. Here are some words from E. M. Bounds:

Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.

Much time spent with God is the secret to all successful praying…He yields to the persistency of a faith that knows Him.

The more true saints, the more praying; the more praying, the more true saints.

Christ knows nothing of prayerless Christians.

To be little with God, is to be little for God.

Prayer is the creator as well as the channel of devotion.

Seeking greater devotion to prayer,

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