"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Songs

This Christmas I have been thinking about Christmas songs more than ever. Largely, this is because at our church I have been preaching through Luke 1 in December. Luke 1 contains two songs—the song of Mary and the song of Zechariah. Some refer to these as the Magnificat and Benedictus based upon the first Latin word used in each song. Though the Scripture merely says Mary and Zechariah “said” these words, the poetic construction of the words have caused people through the ages to refer to them as songs.

Studying these two Christmas songs has caused me to consider how much songs are a part of the Christmas “Season”. Wikipedia states there are over 400 radio stations nationally that play Christmas music 24 hours a day during the month of December. Many stations find a spike in their market share of listeners by playing Christmas music. Obviously, they are seeking to leverage the Christmas music to gain new listeners. Of course, as people walk through malls and stores festive Christmas music is piped in—some stores doing so before Thanksgiving. Surely this is an attempt to get people into a “Christmas mood”, or more accurately a “shopping mood”, as soon as possible.

However, lest I become too cynical I know that God-centered Christmas music also is a tool of instruction about the incarnation and a means of stirring up greater praise to God. In fact, initially all Christmas music was for the purpose of worship to God and the incarnate Son. When Christmas became an official “holy-day” of the church, that is declared such by the Roman Catholic Church, there was music written to add to that celebration. The songs written then were chant, litanies and hymns, done in Latin of course. How curious to think how far we have come now with Christmas songs that are about snowmen, reindeer, Santa Claus and jingling bells. Hey listen, I’m not being a prude here. I enjoy singing about Rudolph or the Grinch like a lot of people. I just think it is stunning to consider the contrast of the lyrics found in many modern Christmas songs on the airwaves compared to the ones spoken by Mary and Zechariah. And I guess I actually feel a sadness in my soul to know that some people know nothing of the latter—they are so overrun with the silly songs about Christmas that they do not know even know the ones that herald the birth of Jesus. Which ones do our children and grandchildren know and sing? Which do we hum as we stroll along merrily in December?

These next two Sundays I am excited to share with First Baptist Church, Lake Wales those first Christmas songs—those expressed by Mary and Zechariah. Their themes are clear and powerful and draw attention to the mercy and salvation from the Lord. I hope if you are nearby you will join me for a look at them. Then also this weekend down by Lake Wales we will share some wonderful Christmas songs that also express wonder and worship over God made flesh! We will host Christmas by the Lake on Saturday and Sunday (12/18-19) evening at 6 PM near the basketball court and gazebo.

I hope this Christmas will continue to be full of wonderful Christ-exalting songs for you and your family. Sing them by the lake. Sing them in the church. Sing them on the city streets. Just sing them with rejoicing like Mary and Zechariah about the merciful God who has sent a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Singing to the Son of God!
Pastor Scott

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