"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Thursday, June 16, 2011


A mission team of ten will leave from Lake Wales, Florida tomorrow, June 17, for the city of Casa Branca, Brazil. This team from First Baptist will lead home Bible studies, do evangelistic home visits by appointment, and conduct multiple sports clinics. The first two activities sound like what mission teams would be expected to do. It is what teams from our church have done there before. But some are wondering why we are now doing sports clinics.

The answer is the sports clinics are an intersection of the vision of the church in Casa Branca for reaching youth and the interests and abilities of the 2011 FBCLW team members. Now that this fledgling mission church is starting to grow they are looking around to their community seeking to know from the Lord how they might meet the needs of the residents of their town. One whole population group they see teeming with potential and yet aimlessly drifting are the youth of Casa Branca. They know these teenagers are the future of their town, yet so many lack purpose and meaning in their lives. It seems this group is primed to hear the good news of Jesus which provides one with an overarching purpose to life. Yet how do you gain a hearing for the gospel with young people? Most are not at all interested in going to church which they see as boring or irrelevant. The answer in many places around the world is sports.

By the Providence of God the team He has assembled to go to Casa Branca has a number of notable athletes and coaches on it. Jim Taubert played football at Michigan State and has coached at the high school and pro levels. Jake Pavy is a new assistant football coach at Lake Wales High School. Jeff Sikes was a collegiate baseball player and is currently a successful veteran baseball coach at Warner University. David Russell won a national championship in volleyball while playing for UCLA not so long ago and has coached the sport. All four of these men are capable teachers of their respective sports and each has a passion for Jesus Christ their Lord. Additionally, the other six members of our mission team (Lynn Hooten, Hayden Hooten, Layne Lightsey, Cassie Pavy, Matt Smith and me) are eager to assist these four and to share what a difference Jesus has made in their lives.
Interestingly, as we began speaking with our Brazilian partners it became evident God was directing us toward a sports emphasis with this 2011 Brazil Team. As Pastor Jose of Casa Branca began to dialogue with government and school officials in his town he saw God open door after door. They were eager to support the clinics Jose was proposing. They have helped with fields, equipment, publicity, and will even let the team use a van free of charge while there. With the city promoting our clinics hundreds of youth have signed up for clinics that will teach American football, volleyball, and baseball. Additionally, our team and the church will “host” a soccer tournament. So now Pastor Jose and the fledgling Baptist church he leads have become known to all the city officials, including the mayor who our team is to meet with. The knowledge of the presence of this little congregation has been spread all over town. Truly, God has orchestrated something beyond what any of us could have envisioned.
Of course, while there are many values to athletics, as Christ-followers we see one of them being that sports can be a bridge to sharing the gospel. Like the Apostle Paul we want to adapt to the values and culture of those we are trying to reach with the good news (1 Corinthians 9:19-23). Sports will enable us to gain a hearing for the gospel among the sports-oriented youth. During each clinic there will be a significant portion of time set aside to share the gospel and for testimonies to be shared. Each of these coaches will have instant credibility among these Brazilian youth who love Americans and sports. I imagine they will listen to them more carefully than they would Pastor Jose or me. During the half-time of every soccer game that is a part of the tournament a testimony will be given. Registration cards will be filled out by every player with the opportunity for them to indicate interest in knowing Jesus. Our Brazilian partners have ordered 5000 copies of a booklet they have found to communicate the gospel well in that culture. These booklets will be share during the clinics and given to each soccer player. All of this is with the full knowledge and support of the government officials. Friends, can you imagine this? While in the past we have had the chance to share with a few hundred people on trips to Brazil this time we could be sharing with a few thousand people—many young people; many because of the bridge of sports.

Sure, sports can become a god. I see how people in our own culture give more time, energy and devotion to sports than they do to Jesus Christ and his church. I see them prioritize their lives around sports as participants or fans. Indeed, in some ways sports is a barrier to the gospel. Yet, also I have seen in China and South Africa sports used as a cross-cultural bridge to the gospel as I assisted with basketball clinics among youth in both of those nations. Now, once more, I am eager to see how God might use four other sports as a global bridge for the gospel—and all on one trip (June 17-27). Oh my Father God, I am so eager to go see the out-working what you have divinely arranged to reach the youth and the total city of Casa Branca with the message of life found in Jesus Christ!
On Mission with Christ!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Angry Heart Journaling

The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out. Proverbs 20:5

Do you understand your own heart–the desires, longings and idols that may reside there? Do you understand what is stirring in there that causes you to get angry? This Sunday as I speak about anger I will suggest the practice of “Anger Journaling” or “Heart Journaling.” Actually, both of these forms of journaling are very similar. They are written of in Lou Priolo’s book The Heart of Anger. While the book is particularly written to help prevent and cure anger within children I have found much of the counsel within the book applies to adults as well. The advice to journal is one such example. Journaling enables a person to understand those things that trigger their anger, as well as gain insight to the “deep waters” of their own heart.

Priolo sets before the reader four basic questions in the “Heart Journal”. They are:
1. What happened that provoked me to anger? (What are the circumstances that led to my becoming angry?)
2. What did I say to myself (in my heart) when I became angry? (What did I want, desire or long for when I became angry?)
3. What does the Bible say about what I said to myself when I became angry? (What does the Bible say about what I wanted?)
4. What should I have said to myself when I became angry? (What should I have wanted more than my own selfish and idolatrous desire?)

Yes, it takes courage to ask those hard questions if you are a person who struggles with anger. Oh, and please understand when I speak of anger I do not merely mean explosive anger. The Bible speaks of the brooding, smoldering internal anger as well as the explosive, external anger. The freezing-out anger is not more healthy or honorable than the shouting-out anger. Followers of Jesus are told to rid themselves of both of these forms of anger (Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:7).

However, ridding your life of anger is not easy, particularly if you’re developed life-long patterns of expressing anger. It takes the courage to look within your heart. It may require the discipline to journal like Priolo suggests. Above all, it takes continually yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit in all of this. This is why I think it is so difficult for a person who does not have the indwelling Christ to overcome anger. Yet, Jesus came to transform our lives from the inside out. He came to change our hearts so we can think, desire, speak, and act like those who belong to Him. And at the moment of salvation Jesus gives His followers the Spirit of God to empower them for all of life—including overcoming our anger. May you and I take whatever steps are needed to allow Christ to be Lord of our anger and “the purposes of our heart.”

Striving to be “pure of heart,”
Pastor Scott