"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Friday, May 14, 2010

Honoring Mothers

Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your god has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy 5:16

Most all reading this article are familiar with this command among ten given by the Lord to Moses for the people of God to obey. Many of us memorized the command to honor your father and mother. Well, that is certainly what we intend to do this Sunday at FBC. Obviously, the command from the Lord was not a mandate for a holiday in which we would honor our parents. Rather, the honor was to be shown in their everyday living. Their honor was to be shown in how they acted toward and spoke to and of their parents. Submission, respect, obedience, love, and care–these were to be the way in which a child was to honor their parent. I’m pretty sure greeting cards, flowers, and chocolates were not on the mind of the Lord when he gave this command. Still today they remain a cheap substitute for the honor the Lord expects children of all ages to show. I know, I know you’re wondering if I have seen the price of cards and flowers lately. I have. And I certainly I am not opposed to giving them also. Indeed, this coming Sunday at First Baptist Church we will also seek to honor all mothers in the context of worship.

I hope you will join us for this Sunday. There will be a child dedication service included in our worship, several mothers will bring our special music, a mother and son will bring a unique offertory piece, and we will give a little gift to all mothers present. Furthermore, we will view a prayerful tribute to mothers and I will urge all of us, including mothers, to choose to be honorable vessels in the great house of God. So beyond giving honor this Sunday, I will call all of us to be honorable from Scripture. I hope you will join us for all of this on Sunday May, 9, 2010 at FBC, Lake Wales. I now close with a little poem to honor our mother’s in one other way.

A mother's hands are gentle,
As she wipes away our tears;
A mother's arms bring comfort
As she helps us face our fears.
A mother's heart is loving -
A true reflection of
The peace found in our Savior
And His everlasting love.

Grateful for the love of the Lord & mothers,
Pastor Scott

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