"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Friday, May 14, 2010

On Unemployment & Satisfaction in Work

My wife, Tina, was re-hired yesterday to teach at Lake Wales High School again next year. Boy, am I glad.

My brother called from Washington, D.C. He was elated that after four months of searching, dozens of applications, and multiple interviews he landed a job. Well, kind of…it is a six-month full-time position. Given employment opportunities in today’s America he should probably be grateful—and he is.

Wednesday I spoke to a friend in our church. He is a certified teacher but positions in his area of certification are few. When stacked against a younger applicant his age does not help him anymore either. He’s applied to dozens of jobs not in his field, yet they have turned up nothing also. His options are limited. His savings have dwindled down. His unemployment could probably be considered near the crisis stage.

Given the economic situation in our nation and in Central Florida how would you like to be a college student trying to find a summer job? I never had a problem finding that work. While at home during the summers of my college years I flipped burgers, stocked shelves and sliced lunchmeat. During my seminary days I sold clothing and did landscaping. Nowadays options to do any of those are severely limited here in Central Florida. Believe me, I know. The old adage of “if you want to work there are jobs out there” may not apply anymore. Scores of people apply for the same positions. Businesses struggling to stay solvent are scraping by with fewer employees. Paid internships are non-existent. Yes, these are different economic times in America.

All of this should make each of us who are working or who were always able to secure employment back in our working days to give thanks to God. Furthermore, we should find satisfaction in our work. Rather, than grumbling about our job or resenting our duties or feeling under-paid by our employers we should be happy in our work. I say this not merely because of the economic realities of today or the high level of unemployment. I say it because that is what God instructs us to do.

No fewer than three times in Ecclesiastes are workers told do find satisfaction or happiness in their work. Work and this attitude about it are seen as a gift of God!

“A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God.” Ecc.2:24

“That everyone may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God.” Ecc. 3:13

"…to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God.” Ecc. 5:19

So let’s work hard, rejoice in our work positions, and give thanks to God for our employers. Let’s also pray for the unemployed and for the economy of our nation so that those who are missing out on the satisfaction coming from work might also be able to partake of this gift.

Grateful to co-labor with you for the Lord,
Pastor Scott

1 comment:

  1. Testing comments. Great "work" on this article!
