"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Friday, July 9, 2010

Rejoicing With the Rejoicing Creator


As most of you in our church family know by now my family and I are taking an extended vacation in the coming weeks out to the western United States. This is a trip that I have anticipated since the early 90’s when a pastor friend of mine did it with his family. We have planned and prepared for it for years and are grateful the church has allowed and even encouraged this extended time away with our sons before they are grown and gone. So now the time is here for a once-in-a-lifetime journey. We feel so blessed to be going and hope this gives to our sons memories they will cherish their whole lives.

Primarily, we will be visiting national parks and observing the wonders of God’s glorious creation. Thinking of what we will see had me reading Psalm 104 this morning. It is a wonderful poem that speaks of God’s creative work. Some outline the psalm in this way:
· Stanza 1 (vv. 1-4) The Lord Clothed with Splendor & the Celestial Realm
· Stanza 2 (vv. 5-9) The Lord Sets Bounds for the Land & Sea
· Stanza 3 (vv. 10-13) The Lord Provides Water for the Creatures on Land
· Stanza 4 (vv. 14-18) The Lord Provides Food & Homes for Land Creatures
· Stanza 5 (vv. 19-24) The Lord Governs the Rhythm of Day & Night
· Stanza 6 (vv. 25-26) The Lord Delights in the Seas Creatures
· Stanza 7 (vv. 27-30) All Creatures Everywhere Depend on the Lord’s Provision
· Stanza 8 (vv. 31-35) May I Ever Rejoice in the Lord’s Works Like He Does
[Outline from ESV Study Bible]

Well, that last stanza is what I intend to do on this trip. In Psalm 104:30 it reads: “May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works.” Then down in verse 34 it states, “May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord.”
I love the dynamic described of the Lord himself rejoicing in the glory and wonder of what He has created and then us rejoicing with through our meditations.

I hope that as we observe the beauty the Lord has displayed through His creative work on land, sky and sea that we will be filled with a grander vision of our Great God. I am praying the Lord will burst the horizons of our imaginations for how glorious He is through this trip. I am trusting Him for jaw-dropping wonder to overcome my sons and Tina and me. I am praying he will forever remove small, simplistic or domesticated thoughts of Him, the Almighty One. As we step into the laboratory of creation my hope is God will instill lessons that will lead us to an ever-expanding view of Him. I am praying that God will allow us to forever rejoice with our creative King in the works of His Hands.
Please pray for our safety, for sweet family fellowship and for the Lord to impart these faith-shaping experiences to us as we seek refreshment and renewal in Him. Thank you for all your well-wishes, encouragement, and prayers. I love you, First Baptist Church!

Rejoicing with Him & in Him!
Pastor Scott

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