"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Monday, July 12, 2010

We're off!

Let the begin! We are (mostly) packed and leave in a few hours for the trip-of-a-lifetime. We have saved for it for years. I have envisioned a trip to the National Parks out west since a pastor friend of mine did it in the mid-90's when his son turned 16. We had hoped to do it in 1997. But the Lord has seen fit for now to be the time. This seems wiser (as His Providence always does) since now at age 12 my youngest son, Daniel, will likely remember far more. Of course, the bittersweet reality is that this may also be the last time our oldest son is even with us for this many consecutive days. Whoa, that'll knock you back. Yet as a friend said to me the other day, "When will we realize that these days--today (not yesterday or tomorrow)--is the very best day."
With that thought in mind we are finishing packing and heading out for the very best days the LORD has given us upon His earth. With Psalm 104 in mind we intend to rejoice in Our Creator and all His handiwork!
I will enter posts here when I can. Follow along...and pray for our safety and refreshment in our gracious King Jesus!
Going west as if a young man!
Scott Markley

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