"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Bundle of Mercies

Great are Your mercies, O LORD; Revive me according to Your ordinances. ~ Psalm 119:156 (NASB)

This Thanksgiving Season I am filled with gratitude to God for his abundant mercies in my life. Recently I was reading the writings of Puritan pastor George Swinnock (1627 –November 10, 1673). Though he was really writing on the value of Christian meditation, I thought these words he shared were also instructive to us on how to stir up a spirit of thanks-giving. He wrote:

Mediate upon His mercies to you from birth. Look at the dangers you have been delivered from, the journeys you have been protected in, the seasonable help He has sent you, the suitable support He has afforded you in distress, the counsel He has given you in doubts, and the comforts He has provided you in sorrow and darkness. They are present with you by [thanksgiving]. Do not forget the former favours bestowed on you and your family. Then meditate upon present mercies. How many do you enjoy—your house, family, body, and soul are all full of blessings! Think of them particularly. Spread them out like jewels to your view. Mediate on how freely they are bestowed, on their fullness and greatness. O, your soul’s mercies—the image of God, the blood of Christ, eternal life, and season of grace! Your whole life is a bundle of mercies. These stir us up to bless the GIVER.

I pray that this Thanksgiving you will take time to spread the jewels of his mercy to you out for all your family to behold. Though your year may have been hard, once you honestly reflect upon his blessings as Swinnock instructs I imagine you will see there remains a bundle of mercies for which you also may give thanks. May such reflective thanks center you upon the Lord Christ that you may find warm-hearted joy in Him.

Marveling at His mercies!
Pastor Scott

Happy Thanksgiving from my family and our Church Staff to you!

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