"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Generation to Generation Praise

“One generation will commend your works to another;
they will tell of your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4

As I read Psalm 145:4 I get excited because I realize God has populated our church in such a way that we can do as the verse instructs. Frankly, some churches can not. You may know of churches that are largely of one generation, either only older folks or only filled with young adults. I am sure God is doing great things among them too, but it is sure a joy to be a part of a multi-generational church where one generation can commend the Lord to the next. There is something beautiful about the dynamics of Psalm 145:4 taking place in a local church setting. I guess it helps me see that our church is truly functioning in a biblical way. As a pastor, that is always my heart’s desire.

Last night (Wednesday 6 pm) I led a study of Psalm 145 at our church that was simply delightful to me. What a wondrous Psalm that praises God for what he has done and who He is. David uses multiple adjectives to describe the works of God that were filling him with praise. Then, on the heels of my recent message series on the attributes of God (hear them at www.fbclw.com “BIG GOD, little me”), it was exciting to hear those present cite the attributes of God stated plainly in this psalm. We also noted that this incredible song of praise begins with David saying “I will exalt you, my God the King” (145:1) and ends with David saying “Let every creature (lit. all flesh) praise His holy name forever and ever.” Yes, praise is not merely to be an individual exercise of faith but we are to urge all creation to join in the mighty chorus of praise to our great God. Verses 11-12 emphasize that we who know God are to tell others of God’s glorious kingdom and “speak of his might so that all men may know” of the wondrous works of God and of His kingdom. Do you hear the missional emphasis in that? It is unmistakable! Thus, our worship is intended to draw others to know and praise the Lord with us. Consequently, worship can and should be a means of witness.

Among those to be influenced by our praise of God and his wondrous works are the succeeding generations. Psalm 145:4 (cited above) makes this very plain. I think that holidays like our upcoming Thanksgiving holiday become an ideal occasion for the older generations to tell their children and grandchildren of God’s mighty acts. Is it too idealistic to envision a grandfather sitting on a sofa with a grandchild or two around him as he tells stories of God’s goodness to him in bygone years? Is it far-fetched to envision grandmothers around the dinner table telling all present of how God answered various prayers throughout her lifetime? Perhaps I am nostalgic or too influenced by Norman Rockwell. But I think that would be one clear way to obey Psalm 145:4 this Thanksgiving.

This Sunday (11/21/10) at First Baptist Church we will give our services over to this kind of generation to generation praise and thanks to God. During our Sunday morning service you will hear from various church members tell of incredible things God did in their lives this year. You will hear of the transforming work of God’s Spirit within those who walk in obedience to Jesus as Lord. We will celebrate the goodness of God through the testimonies of church members in our morning worship service and then Sunday night after our church family dinner we will have “open microphones” for anyone to share their own testimony of praise and thanks to God with all present. So join us this weekend at First Baptist Church, Lake Wales as we flesh out Psalm 145:4 and give testimony to the greatness and goodness of God in our lives. Then, may your homes be filled with praise to our Lord and King, from generation to generation this Thanksgiving and always.

Praising & thanking our Lord with you,
Pastor Scott

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