"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Communicating for a Change

A recent Gallup Poll Report stated, “In an era of increasingly fragile marriages, a couple’s ability to communicate is the single most important contributor to a stable and satisfying marriage.” Wow, did you read that? The “single most important contributor”…is communication?

Wayne Mack, teachers and author, has written in Strengthening Your Marriage, “Deep oneness can be achieved only where good communication exists.” Mack leaves no wiggle room. Good communication is required to deep marital oneness.

Christian Counseling pioneer Jay Adams has written, “A sound husband and wife relationship is impossible without good communication.” Impossible? Again, not very favorable odds being given there for a strong marriage without good communication.

Obviously, I could likely cite a hundred more sources like these. Nearly every person who has written anything on marriage will stress the need for quality communication within marriage. Good communication is needed in the early years of marriage as the two adjust to becoming one through the marriage covenant. It is needed in the child-rearing years as children need to hear the same message from both parents and young parents strain to find time for dialogue together. Communication is indispensible when it comes to the inevitable conflict resolution with each other or with children as the move toward independence. Pursuing meaningful communication allows a couple to re-discover each other in new and fresh ways during the empty nest years when time for each other is more plentiful. Finally, open and honest communication is vital as a married couple ages and enters into retirement, face health issues, endure life-changing limitations, and make big decisions in their golden years. Thus, communication between a husband and wife is crucial for every stage of marriage.

1 Peter 3:10 beckons couple of all ages toward rewarding communication. It read, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.” What is the result of honest and wholesome speech? An enjoyable life and good days are ahead for those who speak to one another as God prescribes. This is the kind of rewarding communication we want to encourage all the couples in FBC toward.

Therefore, the focal teaching element of our Spring MarriageBuilder Event is on the theme of communication. The event is on Saturday, March 5. It will include a Shrimp Boil as your meal, or as an alternative grilled chicken with roasted potatoes and corn. So the meal and evening will be relaxed and informal (guests welcome!). There will be some fun games as we start the evening and a little music too. The teaching time I will lead will include interactive exercises between spouses, fiancés, those dating or friends. Obviously, the communication principles have application beyond marriage. However, that will be the primary relational context we will be focusing on.

So I invite you to join me for this wonderful evening of fellowship and encouragement! I am praying each couple who comes will leave communicating better than when they arrived so our marriages will bring us all the joy and oneness that God desires.

Loving the Bridegroom, my bride, & the Bride of Christ!

Pastor Scott

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