"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Persecuted Christians in Egypt

As events have unfolded in Egypt in recent weeks I have continually prayed for the Lord to bring about that which would most effectively advance His kingdom in that part of the world. Additionally, I have prayed for the safety of believers there, understanding persecution may intensify without the restraining force of a structured government and law enforcement. Concerns over persecution were elevated within me after reading an article posted by Greg Burke of Fox News. His article about the conditions in Egypt was entitled Christians Should Be Worried.

In this article Burke quoted a Christ-following young adult named Maged who regularly tweets on Twitter about the situation in Egypt. Burke quotes Maged expressing fears over the Muslim Brotherhood ascending to power in Egypt. Maged called the Muslim Brotherhood as “the mother of all fears.”

Such a characterization may seem alarmist given recent news reports from our media outlets. However, one simply needs to remember that Al-Qaeda’s number two leader, Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri, was a member of this group. This group also birthed Hamas and the Islamic Jihad Movement, groups that have promoted violence toward Israel. These are commonly known truths. “The Muslim Brotherhood has a long-term commitment to establishing an Islamic state under sharia rule in Egypt,” Nina Shea, Director of the Center for Religious Freedom at the Hudson Institute, told FoxNews.Com.

Tom Doyle, Middle East director for E3 Partners, has said, “With the Muslim Brotherhood rising up, Christians are very nervous about who might be next in line to take over for Mubarak.” Doyle also recently reported the murder of 15 Christians outside Al-Minya, Egypt. Sadly, the U.S. government and media leave these acts of persecution largely unreported.

Egypt does have the largest Christian population of any Middle East nation, with many of these being members of the Coptic Church. Up to 10 percent of the population in Egypt claim to be Christian. Alexandria, Egypt was an early center for Christianity from the first century onward. Yet the Islamic conquest of Egypt in the seventh century reduced the Christian population as many fled or were killed. Nina Shea envisions such a possible exodus of the remaining Christians again if the Muslim Brotherhood has a candidate ascend to power. She has told Foxnews.com “The Copts and other Christians should be worried.”

While perhaps she might say they should worry from a political point of view I will be praying they do not. Rather, I will be praying all true Christ-followers in Egypt will be strengthened in their faith. I will continue to pray for the God’s will to be done in Egypt and throughout the Middle East. I will pray for the advance of the gospel through these events for I believe in a God who is Sovereign. Finally, I will give thanks to God for the perseverance and courage of my brothers and sisters in Christ in Egypt as they endure the political turmoil of these tense times. I think the words of the Apostle Paul express what I feel about the persecuted church in Egypt and elsewhere:

We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring. 2 Thessalonians 1:3-4

Praying for the persecuted!

Pastor Scott

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