"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do You Believe in Easter?

Do you believe in Easter?” That question has stuck in my mind. I heard it as part of story being told by the Orlando-area Christian illusionist Don Townsend a few years ago. Don was doing a presentation near the Easter Holiday at Prime-timers, our monthly meeting for senior adults at FBC. Don shared some of his illusions that day and brought his presentation toward a close with the story that contained this question about Easter. As I recall it, he told of a lady who lived in an assisted-living facility. This vivacious Christian lady was always looking for ways to brighten the lives of other residents there. I believe Don said she would wheel around the facility in her wheel-chair attempting to cheer up residents by engaging them in conversations. As a follower of Jesus she also was continuously looking for opportunities to tell others about her Lord Jesus in a non-offensive way.

As the time of year for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus approached one year she found a very simple way to get people to dialogue about this event. She simply asked, “Do you believe in Easter?” She asked it of her fellow residents. She asked it of workers. “Do you believe in Easter?” It was an easy question to ask. It required only a yes or no answer. Yet if the person was willing it could open wide a whole discussion about Jesus, the resurrection, faith, living, dying, and eternity. You can imagine how such a discussion would be relevant and personal in a place occupied by the elderly!

As Don told the story about this woman I recall that he told of a female staff worker at the facility who was initially annoyed by this question. She refused to talk about it with the questioning resident. While the details elude me, I believe Don concluded the story by telling of how this worker eventually became a Christ-follower after the death of the Easter-loving resident. He wrapped up by saying how that worker now went around each year at Easter asking others that very same question that troubled her and eventually directed her toward faith in the Risen Christ. The staff worker now asked, “Do you believe in Easter?”

I have not forgotten that simple question. This time of year I think about that non-offensive, conversational approach that allows followers of the Risen Lord to talk about faith issues with the people all around them. Now this year I need to start asking it! Maybe you could join me in doing so. Will you ask people around you over the next week that question and hear what they say? “Do you believe in Easter?” I think the replies might be fascinating for you to hear. I imagine the conversations that ensue might be life-altering too.

Asking & Conversing about the Risen Son!

Pastor Scott

P.S. An easy follow-up in such a conversation is to invite those you dialogue with to learn more about the biblical meaning of Easter by attending the FBC Easter Musical Presentation coming next Saturday evening or Easter Sunday Morning. Or, for a lighter approach to a young family invite them to the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 23.

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