"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Friday, April 29, 2011

Who Knows What a Day May Bring Forth? (4/21/11)

By now most all of you know of the terrible attack by a stray pit bull on Monday morning. I was on my way to the office after dropping my youngest son at school when Charles Little called me. He began, “We have an emergency.” Charles then began to relay some of the events of the recent minutes to me. I was stunned. Since Charles insisted he did not need a ride to the hospital in Lakeland I told him I would drive to try to see Tammy and pray with her before the Life Flight arrived.

I made my way to the rescue vehicle where Tammy was being cared for until the helicopter arrived. Obviously, she was still shaken after such a violent attack. I could see the puncture wounds from the teeth of the dog in one leg. After prayer with Tammy I left her. As firefighter Brittany Sweeney said, “She is doing amazingly well after something like that.” Brittany went on to inform me, as Charles had, that her right arm was the area of greatest concern.

Within an hour or two numerable people from First Baptist Church had trekked to Lakeland Regional Medical Center to be with Charles and his three daughters, while Tammy endured three and one-half hours of surgery. Fourteen people from FBC came over that day to show their love and concern. Countless more of our church family rallied around the Little family in prayers given once news of the attack spread via our email, facebook, and phone calls. Hopefully, soon Tammy will rejoin us at FBC (plan is to go home Friday 4/21) and you can express your loving support directly. Also in due time I am sure the Little’s will share their own appreciation for the support we have given them amidst this sudden crisis. However, for now let me say how grateful I am as the pastor to once more see the love you have for one another. I marveled at how many people stayed all day with the Little’s at the hospital. Others were constantly praying while working and keeping an eye out for any update. Such loving concern within the body is part of what it means to live in community with each other as the church. I find it beautiful to behold!

One other thought comes to me about what happened on Monday, April 18. The thought struck me as I arrived home at 5:30 pm from Lakeland. Though I arrived home around the typical time I do, my day was far from typical. It was no ordinary day. The events of that day were absolutely stunning and unexpected! How much more is that true for the Little family. As I arrived home I thought, “Who knows what a day may bring?” I was reminded of the words of James 4: 13-15 which read,

Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

The events of Monday reminded me that we have no guarantees about tomorrow. God can interrupt our plans and schedules with unexpected events at any moment. Do we live with that awareness, with that openness to adjust to whatever change he calls for from us on a given day? And do we humbly live knowing that what happens in our future is not ultimately determined by us, but by the will of God?

Of course, at this time of year I also think of those women who went to the tomb of Jesus that Easter morning expecting to anoint his dead body (Mark 16:1). Yet instead something absolutely stunning and unexpected happened. Their agenda and their world were turned upside down with the stunning revelation from the angelic messenger, “Don’t be alarmed, he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here” (Mark 16:6).

The “interruptions” God brings to our lives may be tragic or adverse circumstances. However, sometimes his “interruptions” are miracles and joyous life-changing events. For those ladies on Easter morn the resurrection of Jesus was even more than that. It was an eternity-changing miracle that has altered history and offered life and hope for all who would believe in the Risen Christ. So I hope this Easter the resurrection of Jesus is no surprise to you, but rather is the cornerstone event your personal history has been altered by. Yet I hope the empty tomb and the events of this past Monday remind us that God alone knows what a day may bring forth.

Living TODAY for the Risen Christ!

Pastor Scott

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