"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Yesterday (7/28/11) I had my first opportunity to meet with and hear Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. Sheriff Judd was speaking to pastors in our area at a local gathering. I came away impressed with the commitments and viewpoints of this man. He was obviously committed to securing safety and justice for all the citizens of Polk County. He seemed to be sincerely committed to following the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Christian Scriptures in his personal life. Sheriff Judd also impressed me because he knew that the solution to the problem of crime and societal sins go beyond what the government can offer. They are ordained by God to be a part of to solution (Romans 13:1-7), but as Sheriff Judd noted so are churches. I came away grateful for such apparent godly leadership in our Sheriff’s Office during these challenging times.

Yet as I reflected upon this meeting I was reminded of other godly leaders in our Police and Fire Rescue Departments at the county and city levels. Earlier this summer our church had the privilege of hosting a service and luncheon for new Lake Wales Police Chief Chris Velasquez. The service including words of tribute and challenge and then the new chief was sworn in. I had heard from some officers that they appreciated the character and work of Chief Velasquez as he worked his way up the ranks. They were hopeful about the direction of the police force on his respectable leadership. As I have come to know more about Chief Velasquez I understand he also shares a faith commitment to Christ. For his new leadership in Lake Wales we should be grateful.

Then, of course, there are the dear brothers in our church who offer leadership at the highest levels of Fire Rescue in our city and county. Jerry Brown is our Lake Wales Fire Chief and David Cash is the Chief of Fire Rescue for Polk County. Both are godly laymen who actively serve in our church. David has a reputation at the county level for quiet efficiency and selfless leadership. Another county official told me of how David inspires confidence of those under his leadership by his calm demeanor, clear thinking, and attention to detail. They told of how he’s been seen on days off sprucing up flower beds at a county fire station with other volunteers. Now that is servant leadership.

Lake Wales Fire Rescue Chief Brown also has a sterling reputation for his character and leadership. Jerry gladly tells of how he reluctantly ended up as fire chief in Lake Wales. He did not want the position, yet the Lord overruled Jerry years ago and thrust him into his position. As Chief he has earned the respect of his personnel and other city officials by being approachable, wise, and thorough. Perhaps you saw the article in the Lake Wales News this summer that told of a leadership group that Jerry convened. Jerry coordinated with Chief Velasquez to take all their upper leadership through a book on leadership written by Pastor Andy Stanley. Jerry had become familiar with that resource through some mentoring breakfast meetings we had with some of the young men of First Baptist Church. Jerry became convinced by the Spirit of God that the book could inspire the leaders of these departments to better leadership. So after much prayer Jerry shared his plan with the others and all bought into it. They all read and discussed the leadership concepts and supporting Biblical material over five meetings. Of course, seeing such leadership was great source of encouragement to me. For while many of you may have seen Jerry lead in our church as a deacon, you may not know how he also seeks to live out his faith in the workplace. I am so honored that Chief Brown and Chief Cash call First Baptist their church home and that it is evident to those who work around them that their faith in Jesus is real.

So I am filled with gratitude for the leadership God has put in these positions at our city and county levels. We are uniquely blessed! As a small way of recognized the blessing these men and all those that serve beside them in their forces are to our community we will be having a special service at First Baptist Church to acknowledge them on September 11, 2011. Yes, that day also marks the 10 year anniversary of the heroic efforts Fire Rescue, Police officers, and ordinary citizens made in response to the terrorist attacks of that day. We will be calling that day–A Day To Remember. We’ve invited leadership and all personnel from these four forces mentioned to be with us at FBC for that 10:30 AM Worship Service. We will honor them and pray for them. Some of them may address our congregation. Through it all we will express gratitude to God for these public servants who risk their lives for our safety day after day. Plan now to join us that day and invite and police of fire rescue personnel you know of to be our honored guest that day. Of course, you don’t need to wait until then to be grateful to God for them and for the godly leadership He’s uniquely place within their ranks in our community.

Grateful for ALL God’s blessings!

Pastor Scott

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