"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Thursday, July 7, 2011


It has been somewhat surprising for me to see how upset and outraged people have been at the Casey Anthony verdict. It surprises me not because I believe that the reaction of the American public is inappropriate. Rather, it surprisingly encourages me because this reaction shows that the American public still seems to value the truth and children.

Before you chastise be for becoming cynical about the state of our nation consider this. First, we have had recent scandals at two of our nation’s premier universities, the University of Southern California and The Ohio State University. Central to these disturbing scandals is that they involved lying and deceit by football players, reputable coaches, school officials, and others. Second, there has been a variety of business scandals involving deception and fraud, as in the case with Bernie Madoff. Current labor disputes in various industries include posturing and misrepresentation designed to dictate the impressions of the public. Third, perjury, in courts of law, is becoming commonplace. There is an increasing back-log of perjury cases that threaten to clog up the legal system. Then in the backdrop there is the deceit involved in political campaigns, the steroid scandal in sports, or even within the religious realm. While preparing for my message this week I have been reading about a lecture given by Dr. James Stewart this spring entitled The Epidemic of Lying in America: From Martha Stewart to Bernie Madoff. Dr. Stewart, who is a Pulitzer Prize winner and professor of Journalism at Columbia University, paints a bleak picture of truth-telling in America.

For this reason I was actually heartened by the American public’s reaction to the Casey Anthony verdict. People were upset because they felt the TRUTH did not come out. They felt all the evidence pointed toward a guilty verdict, though the jury did not find it to do so beyond a reasonable doubt. They were upset with the prosecution and with the judicial process because they felt the truth did not win out in this case. Of course, I think they were most upset because this mother got away with lying and the murder of her own precious child.

Perhaps I am misreading the reaction, but mixed in there I hope I also see compassion toward the victim in this case—two year-old Caylee Anthony. It seems many feel her life was unjustly and violently taken from her by the one who should be caring for her most dearly. It seems this violent perversion of the maternal role is offensive to even the hard-hearted. Yes, Americans still value children. We believe they should be loved and cared for by their parents. Their lives are precious and inviolable. Thus, the murder of a child seems to be as heinous a crime as there is. So though this case that has not had any redeeming features to it at all, I can at least take something positive from America’s reaction to the verdict.

This Sunday I will share from Matthew 5 about Broken Vows and Truthfulness. During this message you will hear how Jesus was emphasizing how much he valued truth. Also on Monday we begin our 2011 Vacation Bible School. VBS is one way we, as a church, show we love and value children. It is also a way some children come to know Jesus by faith nearly every year. Our workers have been going all out preparing the lessons and learning environments for this week the children of our community enjoy so much. If you are serving in it I want to say how I appreciate your labor and that of our directors, Jennifer Simpson and Missy Boyte. If you are not serving, I invite you to pray for VBS every day this week. Further, I hope you will join us on Thursday (no regular Wednesday activities!) for the VBS Musical at 6 pm in our Worship Center. Let’s continue to value the children we do have in our church and community by offering them a wonderful VBS this year!

Striving to value what the Lord values!
Pastor Scott

P.S. June was a very difficult month for our church financially. We barely were able to “make our payroll” and are now behind in some of our financial commitments. We know our seasonal guests are gone and also many of our year-round members vacationed. May I please urge you to continue to give to the Lord your tithes and offerings, as able, even when vacationing this summer. If God has especially blessed you in the financial realm would you prayerfully consider a special gift in July so we can not make our budget and bills in July and possibly even catch-up for what happened in June. If you are unable to give additionally, please pray fervently that God provides for the church during these lean summer months.

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